Summer Drama Camps 


Acting Up Kids Drama Camp - Seussical Kids

Date:  June 2nd through 6th  – 9:00am-12:00 noon, including a Friday night performance - 7:00pm

Grades:  Rising 2nd - 6th grades

Tuition:  $225

Location:  In the Redeemer Kids WC & multipurpose room


Acting Up Summer Intensive Drama Camp - Moana Jr

Date:  June 23-27 – 9:00am-3:00pm, including a Friday night performance - 7:00pm

Grades:  Rising 7th-12th grades

Tuition:  $375

Location:  In the Redeemer Kids WC & multipurpose room

For more information email or call 678.513.9435. Register at or at the Redeemer Kids/Conservatory desk.